What do the dead necessitate with money? Or be you thinking of donating someone else's carcass?
I wouldn't . science is crap . every time human discovers something new, he starts looking for a bearing to use it to destroy the planet and hurt other creatures .
Dude I don't suggest u can get remunerated 4 that when ur alive.It goes to a medical conservatory so other ppl can learn
i'd love to donate my body for the sake of science after my demise.
I'm not sure how much you get payed for it but my cousin is surrounded by med school and she say you get the money in a minute. I wouldn't mind donating mine if I knew that my daughter wouldn't be effect by it. She's really young. I also suggest that science could possibly learn something from my body b/c I enjoy a neurological disorder. What do I need next to it after I'm dead anyway? I've also cultured that they have a ceremony for they family after they cremate the bodies. That's sort of nice of them.
two things: one its free and second why the heck would they give a comatose guy money??
The whole point of donating is to make a contribution something to someone with no money involved. No situation what you donate there will be no monetary reward. And besides you will be unmoving so you won't reep any of the benefits of the donation.
You GIVE your body to science for medical students to learn just about the body. (Cadavers)
Your question doesn't form sense.
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