Thursday, September 23, 2010

does anyone know of any non medicinal remedies for hot flashes?

i just have a hysterectomy and they are horrible. thanks. How awful that they only let you walk that way! But you don't want chemicals! Vitex have worked for me, it is made by Solaray; Stay away from soy, it contains chemicals, go to your local vitamin shop and speak near a knowledgable person that works near, and they will help you! [not GNC] Good Luck to you!
My kind is that Soy products help.
within order to treat hot flashes you necessitate to see your doctor there are no specified remdies none medical t o treat hot flashes
Black cohosh. They say soy can also work. Good luck.
rime? (shrug)
thanks for the 2 points
I nice milk tub works wonders!
If you've had a hysterectomy (and it includes removal of the ovaries, which most do), as a rule your doctor will suggest hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to prevent a sudden, raging overnight case of menopause (caused by the loss of ovarian hormones). There is no simple treatment for the symptoms of menopause other than hormone psychotherapy, and the symptoms of menopause that follow hysterectomy are particularly acute because the loss of endogenous hormones is so sudden.
I wonder if biofeedback could minister to with this problem? If it can serve control migraines, it might work for hot flashes.
Thank you for this question. It may assist to redirect the look into for something to ease this irritating problem.

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