Monday, September 27, 2010

Does one catch like peas in a pod autopsy results for an asthma demise as one would for a suffocation annihilation?

Hahaha no, sorry. Asthma restrict your tubes and that will show up on the autopsy. When someone is suffocated the skin turns a certain color around where on earth the air be forcefully restricted. Like their mouth and nose, or their throat close to choking.
Well, now that you've style suspicion upon yourself..
Hi it all depends on the circumstances if the soul was within the care of somone or a hospital when they have the astham attack the autopsy will be different if they believe somone have been suffocated. If the being is found diceased with no prearranged cause of passing and they believe they may have died among those lines yes it will be similar.
I don't expect so, because asthma is caused by a different device than suffocation. Asthma is narrowing of the airways, whereas suffocation may be due to decreased oxygen from an external source, and may be associated beside bruises on the face (if suffocated maechanically) or dampen in the lungs(if drowned)

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