Monday, September 27, 2010

does USA offer upright commission oppourtunities for pharmacists or CANADA?

I'm a pharamacist in Canada, so I can answer the Canadian cog to this question..pharmacists are within demand. There are lots of job and the pay is great!
Either country offer good work opportunities.
Try probing pharmacist on This is the US board of labor statistics. They can provide you with opening outlooks, and the expected potential for job growth within your field. Not sure in the region of Canada though, try yahoo search.
Yes, the USA offer good post opportunities for pharmacists.
Im not sure in the order of Canada..but there is a great outlook for adjectives health prudence workers in the United States..that position is expected to grow.
There is high opportunity for pharmacists in the USA. It is a flawless profession to go into in a minute.

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